Explore Past Events


Isaac and Karen Edge
Alum Karen Edge and her nine-year-old son, Isaac, will talk about their experience as a mixed-race family living in London, UK. In this conversation, they share how they understand and manage racism that comes their way, and what others can do when they see it happening.
Marcia Bumbury
In this session, Marcia Bumbury, a kindergarten teacher, gives you a virtual look at a curated math kit that supports both literacy and math from home! We will have fun with math games using various math tools including picture books. You will leave this session inspired to lead your youngest mathematicians to create, demonstrate and understand models of mathematical thinking.
Drorit Weiss
Combining her unique passion for math, rap and Egyptian dance, Drorit Weiss, a celebrated math and physics teacher and professional dancer, breaks down some fundamental Arabic rhythms in this interactive session. Bring any percussion instrument to participate: drums, tambourines, pots and pans, or even just your hands!
Justine Bruyère
Learn how you can use the arts at home to support children's literacy learning. In this episode, educator Justine Bruyère gives examples of child-led drama, art, music and dance-based learning, and demonstrates some ways parents and educators can make the arts both engaging and educational.
Gurpreet Sahmbi
Using every day items, Gurpreet Sahmbi will explore ways of challenging children at the intermediate level to develop problem solving skills through games. Discover ways of modifying deceptively simple activities to keep students engaged and challenged with common objects you have in your home. You might just find that your home is full of math games!