
Aaron Matthews

May 28, 2020
Aaron Matthews
Master of Arts in Child Study and Education (CSE), Class of 2020

What are some words of wisdom you would give to a new or incoming student in your program?
Your placements are an excellent opportunity to network in the school system or the schools you're working in. Get involved in the community and volunteer after you finish your placement, and try to have principals observe you. In your second year, start on the final assignments early because they will catch up with you. Make some time to recharge and see friends and family.

What next?
I've applied to the TDSB, a number of private schools and some teaching jobs in adult education, my previous industry. I currently tutor a few elementary students and an executive executive and would love to get a full time teaching job in the school board or a private school whose educational philosophy aligns with that of the MA CSE's. I would love to teach a Grade1/2 class because I'm interested in literacy development and how students learn to read and write.

I really enjoyed the way the MA CSE integrated course work with a simultaneous practicum. It made it easier to link educational theory studied in class with in-class practice. Many of the professors were excellent and most classes were very hands-on and interactive. Some of the highlights were field trips to unique schools like Canada's National Ballet School and Sunny View Junior and Senior Public School, the latter which provides a special education setting for students with high physical and health needs. We also had a lot of practical workshops on employment preparation, like preparing resumes, cover letters and for job interviews. The small cohort gave the program a lovely community feel.

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