
Finding a Supervisor

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Finding a Supervisor

As a prospective student, it is important to note that finding the right supervisor for your graduate studies and fostering a good relationship with them is one of the most important steps as you embark on your graduate school journey. Below we have listed a number of steps to help guide you through identifying which faculty are accepting and how to hold a professional relationship with them.

Step 1: Identify your program and the faculty accepting students

It is important to identify which program you are applying to or are interested in and which faculty will in fact be accepting students for the next academic year within that program. Typically, our CCP MA & PhD, DPE MA & PhD and SCCP MA & PhD programs have faculty that accept students.

Step 2: Check who fits you best

Review the list of our faculty and their research interests. This will help guide you in understanding which faculty might suit you best. Here are a number of areas across our website that will help guide you:

  • : Learn more about each faculty, their background, publications etc.
  • : Learn more about each faculty's research interests
  • Research Labs: Learn more about our APHD research labs and get a better understanding about the research they conduct

After reviewing this information, you should be more informed about which faculty would be an ideal fit for you.

Step 3: Prepare for meeting Faculty

Shortly after our Fall Open House, we will be hosting a "Meet the Faculty" event where you will have the opportunity to meet with some of the faculty that will be accepting students for the next academic school year. 

What does this meeting entail?
The faculty member will give you a brief overview of the research they conduct in their labs. Be prepared to ask the faculty member questions about their research and to express your interest in working with them verbally.

This event should also hopefully assist you in shortlisting which faculty members would ideally fit you and your graduate studies.

Step 4: Communicating with prospective supervisors

Once you have identified your ideal supervisor(s), you are welcome to communicate with them to thank them for their time at the "Meet the Faculty" event and communicate your interest in being supervised by them.

It is important to remember that some faculty might not respond right away or might not respond at all. This does not mean that they aren’t interested in your application. They are just not able to get back to the many students who are contacting them.

Some tips on communicating with faculty:

  • Remember to address the faculty member respectfully with Dear Professor/Dr. (lastname) followed by your full name and contact information. 

  • Attach your CV (Curriculum Vitae) and unofficial transcripts to give them an overiew. Clearly identify why you are writing to them and which program you are looking to apply to/interested in.

  • Identify your goals (academic and career oriented) and emphasize any research or leadership experience that might be relevant for them to know about.

  • If you already have funding, include the amount, duration and source.

  • State why you are approaching this particular faculty member and why your research interests and goals are a good match with them.

Limit your questions to faculty about their research and contact your program coordinator/liaison for any questions relating to the program specifically including program requirements, the admissions process, supplemental materials, etc. Should you have any questions regarding the program specifically, please direct them to oise.aphd@utoronto.ca which will be forwarded to the appropriate program contact.