
Policy Monitor

The Policy Monitor tracks Federal, Provincial and Territorial early childhood policy initiatives, developments and announcements.


New Brunswick
As of April 2, 2015, all approved Child Day Care Facilities Inspection Reports will be available online.

Newfoundland & Labrador
Excerpt: "This year, we are investing $926 million in a wide range of initiatives, such as the continued implementation of our 10-year child care strategy, Caring For Our Future, as well as significant investments in our K-12 infrastructure. Caring For Our Future is now in its fourth year of implementation and has been tremendously successful in enhancing the quality, affordability and sufficiency of child care in our province. Since 2003, we have increased the number of regulated child care spaces by 70 per cent and we will continue to build on that momentum by investing an additional $3.2 million to continue the implementation of this strategy, bringing this year’s budget to $45.7 million."

Excerpt: "Over the next three years, $120 million in new funding will be dedicated to building safe, high quality, licensed child care spaces in schools across the province where there is significant demand. Schools boards in Ontario can apply now to the Ministry of Education for funding."

New Brunswick
Excerpt: "New investments in early childhood development represent more than $3.5 million. Total funding allocated to the Early Childhood Development division totals $76.8 million. Of that amount, $23.6 million has been allocated to the Quality Improvement Financial Program to provide wage enhancement to educators working directly with children in regulated childcare facilities. The Preschool Autism Intervention Program has received $15.8 million. In addition, almost $10 million has been allocated to projects such as a new childcare registry, an early intervention program and new licensing technology."

Excerpt: "A typical two-earner family of four will receive tax relief and increased benefits of up to $6,600 in 2015, as a result of the Family Tax Cut, the Universal Child Care Benefit, the Goods and Services Tax (GST) rate reduction, the introduction of new credits, such as the Children’s Fitness Tax Credit, and broad-based income tax relief including the reduction in the lowest personal income tax rate (Chart 1.3)."

Nova Scotia
Excerpt: "Providing our youngest with a strong foundation: $1.3-million increase to reduce the wait lists for community-based Early Intervention; $700,000 increase for Early Learning Initiatives; $500,000 increase for four new SchoolsPlus sites. The additional $20.4 million invested this year will bring the total amount reinvested in our education system to $37.9 million. It’s all part of the four-year commitment to reinvest $65 million in education. A greater focus on Primary to 12 means better-prepared graduates ready for the workforce or post-secondary education."

Budget Address 2015-16

Excerpt: "School will never be a replacement for a healthy home, but if the fundamental promise of our education system is to develop the “whole child”, then we cannot ignore students non-academic needs in school. To that end, we will be focusing specifically on assessing what resources our schools and our educators require to ensure that those needs can be met."

New Brunswick
Excerpt: "Increasing the budget for the Department of Education and Early Childhood Development by 3.1 per cent so that strategic investments can be made that will be guided by new, comprehensive plans for both education and literacy."

British Columbia
Excerpt: "Government will provide $1 million to continue a bursary fund for students enrolled in early childhood education programs, Children and Family Development Minister Stephanie Cadieux announced today at the BC Early Years Forum in Richmond. The Early Childhood Educators of BC established the ECE Student Bursary program in April 2014 with support from a provincial investment of $513,000."

Excerpt: "This tax shield, inspired by the Godbout report, will partly offset the decrease in the work premium and the tax credit for childcare expenses following an increase in work income. Our objective is to reward workers and enable them to get more out of their work. Together, building our economy 9 The tax shield amount will vary according to the family situation and income level of households. The tax shield represents annual tax relief totalling $52 million as of 2016-2017. This relief will benefit nearly 400 000 workers."

Excerpt: "The proposed regulations will provide information for child care providers, parents/guardians and the general public about how new legislation will be put into practice. The proposed regulations would come into effect when the legislation is proclaimed, and would address four priority areas: licensing clarity, enforcement, licensing standards and special needs. This document also includes information about transition regulations that would support the transition to the new Act."

Excerpt: "The Manitoba government is taking the next step to launch a commission to redesign the province’s early learning and child-care system and create more universally accessible care for Manitoba families who need it, Family Services Minister Kerri Irvin-Ross announced today."