
Browse Securely

Scammers use websites to steal your credentials, trick you into downloading malicious software, and present you with false information that looks legitimate.

Below are some best practices to ensure you browse securely.

Risks to Avoid

Trojan Horses Being Downloaded

A Trojan Horse is a type of computer virus that comes bundled with files, attachments, or applications you download from unsafe websites. This virus can steal your keystrokes and sensitive information or even provide remote access to an attacker.

Cross-Site Scripting

Attackers can insert malicious scripts into certain webpages. When a user accesses these pages, the scripts can execute automatically as the page loads, potentially compromising the user's device or data.

What To Do

Updated Browsers

Keep your browsers updated to take advantage of the latest built-in features and ensure there are no vulnerabilities that could be exploited.

Ensure URL starts with HTTPS

HTTPS is secure, so when browsing, make sure to visit sites that have a padlock icon, indicating that they are encrypted. Use your browser's built-in security features, such as “Always use secure connections,” in your settings. Learn how to enable this setting on and

Use Browser Security Features

Control how third-party cookies are handled in your browser by modifying your settings. It is recommended to turn on the “Do Not Track” feature in your browser. Learn how to use this feature within the and on

Use Tools to Identify Malicious Sites

The Canadian Internet Registration Authority (CIRA) has launched a which can identify and give visual cues to identify whether a site is malicious or not.

What Not To Do

Nothing Comes Free

Avoid visiting or downloading from drive-by download sites and installing third-party software on your computer. This not only violates licensing agreements but also often comes with malware that can be installed alongside the free software.

Password Autofill

Although a convenient option, hackers who gain access to your machine can steal the information stored in autofill. It is recommended to disable autofill for payment information.