
Focus on Research Lecture Series

Separate but together: Bridging education activities for democratic participation in South Korea

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Note: Registration link sent to all OISE Community members via email.

We are pleased to invite you to our online Focus on Research lecture series for 2023-24 with “from research to practice and back again” as the theme. All OISE community members are welcome to attend.

Professor Hye-Su Kuk's research focusses on “democratic citizenship education” movements that have evolved in Korea since its democratization in 1987. She connects the trajectories of activist-educators’ work in citizens’ movement organizations in South Korea that represent an ideological pivot away from previous popular movements and seek to deepen democracy through adult education. In conducting ethnographic research, she focusses on how activist educators cultivate directions for social change from within and beyond citizens’ movement organizations. She will highlight how her research activities build bridges across separate activities among different organizations and how “democratic citizenship education” becomes a floating signifier encompassing different activities. She will reconsider the relationship between research and practice and the challenges of engaging in this type of fieldwork.

About the Speakers

Hye-Su Kuk
Professor Hye-Su Kuk

Hye-Su Kuk is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Leadership, Higher and Adult Education. Her research contributes to theories of adult education for participatory democracy, organizational dynamics of social movement and grassroots initiatives, and the potentials of non-formal education institutions in mediating social change.

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