Community News


Poster of Grassy Narrows River Run Rally, hosted on September 18, 2024. Imagery depicts Indigenous woman's hair morphing into stream of water with fish.
September 4, 2024

Grassy Narrows River Run Rally

Grassy Narrows invites you to walk in solidarity to cultivate Indigenous sovereignty and environmental justice at Grange Park in Toronto on Sept 18, 2024.
Tri-Campus 2023 Food Symposium (cropped)
November 23, 2023

U of T Tri-Campus Food Symposium 2023

The Tri-Campus Food Symposium is a two-day event that brings together community members who are interested in the development of sustainable food systems.
Art Call
October 25, 2023

Student Art Call

Become a part of Trinity College’s Integrated Sustainability Initiative by having your
environmental art showcased at the Wannabe Toxic Free (WTF) Fair 2024.