{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\cocoartf1671\cocoasubrtf600 {\fonttbl\f0\fswiss\fcharset0 Helvetica;} {\colortbl;\red255\green255\blue255;} {\*\expandedcolortbl;;} \margl1440\margr1440\vieww10800\viewh8400\viewkind0 \pard\tx566\tx1133\tx1700\tx2267\tx2834\tx3401\tx3968\tx4535\tx5102\tx5669\tx6236\tx6803\pardirnatural\partightenfactor0 \f0\fs24 \cf0 12:33:32 And you can do the practice sitting or standing, and you can also, if you like, turn your video off.\ 12:33:42 You know you, there's no need to have it on. Unless you want to but you can see me so I'll be.\ 12:33:48 I'm going to do the practice standing, actually.\ 12:33:53 So area if you want you can record this.\ 12:33:57 Yes, I'm going to do the practice standing and this is called the circle of joy.\ 12:34:05 So as I mentioned the circle of joy is a practice we can do to energize the body when it is feeling low energy or tired.\ 12:34:20 And also to calm the mind, when we're feeling agitated or sort of anxious or something.\ 12:34:31 So just coming to standing or if you're choosing to sit sitting and just allowing the arms to rest down by the sides or the hands to be on the lap.\ 12:34:47 Starting in a standing posture and checking in with the body and how it feels right now, checking in with the posture noticing your feet fully supported by the ground.\ 12:35:05 And the entire body resting in the standing posture. And if you're sitting, noticing the support under the hips and the feet and hands, maybe behind the back.\ 12:35:23 Keeping a soft bend in the knees. If you can really connecting with a sense of the feet in touch with the ground.\ 12:35:36 And almost like doing a very short body scan guiding the attention into the feet and the sensations in the bottoms of the feet and moving it through the feet into the ankles and the lower legs and the knees, and the upper legs, the hips, feeling any sensations\ 12:35:59 that are here, could be on the surface of the body, or even inside the body sensations of muscles contracting to hold this posture.\ 12:36:15 Perhaps gentle movements for balance.\ 12:36:21 Sensing into the hips and the pelvis and the belly, the low back, the rib cage.\ 12:36:33 The middle back the chest, and the upper back, the shoulders, the tops of the shoulders, and the full length of the arms, upper arms, elbows.\ 12:37:03 For arms wrists and hands\ 12:36:54 and sensing into the neck and the back of the head, the sides.\ 12:37:04 The top.\ 12:37:06 The front of the head, the face, the jaw.\ 12:37:11 The eyes\ 12:37:17 and noticing the breath in the body.\ 12:37:21 Just taking a couple of full breaths at your own pace.\ 12:37:36 And then when you're ready, letting the breath be in the background or moving with the breath if that's appropriate for you. And if you've chosen to close the eyes then if you need the eyes open for balance, especially if you're standing, opening the\ 12:37:52 eyes and clasping the hands in front of the body.\ 12:37:58 Customer hands in front of the body, arms can be straight or elbow slightly bent, and beginning to move here.\ 12:38:04 Perhaps moving with breath.\ 12:38:07 The feet are about hip width apart, or wider or narrower if that feels better for you.\ 12:38:27 And as you're inhaling, raising the arms up to shoulder height, palms facing into the body with their fingers clasped, and then exhaling, sending the palms forward and curling the spine into a C shape, bending the knees.\ 12:38:37 Pulling the belly button towards the spine shoulders away from the ears.\ 12:38:51 And just stretching the upper back, sending the crown of the head forward.\ 12:38:55 Breathing here, sending the breath if you can all the way into the back body the low back the hips, shoulders, the rib cage.\ 12:39:08 And then on the next inhale, starting to rise back up to standing, and then suddenly arms up overhead.\ 12:39:18 And this time bringing the palms together, or arms apart, whatever is more comfortable for you, and sending the arms a little bit back behind the ears.\ 12:39:33 Just maybe a centimeter or an inch behind the ears and finding a little bit of a backbend, allowing the shoulders to be away from the ears to create some space for the neck nodding the chin slightly reading here.\ 12:39:51 And then slowly releasing the arms down again to shoulder height but out to the side so really feeling into the width of the body, palms.\ 12:40:04 Open fingertips up towards the sky, perhaps even beginning to rotate the wrists, in one direction,\ 12:40:17 breathing the entire time in the background. and then the other direction.\ 12:40:24 And if the arms are particularly tired or sore, you can always release the arms, take a break and then come back into the posture.\ 12:40:36 But if you're holding this holding the arms out to the sides. And then, hugging the elbows into the body and bending the elbows and bringing the fingertips to the tops of the shoulders, and the other option here is bringing the hands to the hips whatever\ 12:40:52 is most comfortable or appropriate for your body.\ 12:40:56 And with a kind of openness in the chest and bringing the elbows close into the body, allowing the shoulders to open with a slight bend in the knees as you're breathing.\ 12:41:12 Turning twisting towards the right side, just looking towards the area of the right shoulder.\ 12:41:20 Breathing here.\ 12:41:24 And then exhaling coming back to center.\ 12:41:28 And then, twisting over to the opposite side.\ 12:41:34 Take a breath here.\ 12:41:46 Exhaling coming back to center. And this time, releasing the hands and bringing the hands to the hips.\ 12:41:51 And if you're sitting just twisting, as you're sitting.\ 12:41:56 Again twisting over to one side.\ 12:42:05 Coming back to center and then twisting to the opposite side.\ 12:42:17 And coming back to center and releasing the arms down by the sides.\ 12:42:27 And from here clasping the hands behind the body straightening the arms, if you can, or just keeping a slight bend in the elbows, and if this isn't available to you then perhaps even clasping opposite elbows, whatever feels right for your body.\ 12:42:46 If your arms are straight and your hands are class, then perhaps even sending the arms further back behind you and opening the front of the chest and finding a stretch and an opening in the front body straight arms, perhaps, feeling the muscles, engaging\ 12:43:07 in between the shoulder blades.\ 12:43:12 Breathing here.\ 12:43:18 And then with the feet about hip width apart, or wider than hip width apart, starting to bend at the knees and hinge forward at the hips.\ 12:43:30 Coming into Forward Fold.\ 12:43:33 Arms can still be back behind you.\ 12:43:37 And then releasing the arms, allowing the hands to rest on the size.\ 12:43:45 With the bend, with the knees deeply bent, hinting forward, perhaps now starting to fold over the legs so doing, fuller Forward Fold.\ 12:43:59 Allowing the upper body to fold over the lower body using the desk or chair in front of you for support, or your shins or thighs or ankles, or feet.\ 12:44:14 Whenever you can reach with your hands.\ 12:44:17 Just holding this posture allowing the head to relax so not needing to look up just keeping the gays in between the feet, or in between the ankles.\ 12:44:33 Perhaps classifying the hands together,\ 12:44:39 or touching the fingertips to\ 12:44:43 the feet or the floor, whatever is available to you here and if afford fold is not right for your body and just staying in a half Forward Fold.\ 12:44:58 Breathing here, allowing the weight of the head to traction the length of this spine.\ 12:45:11 And then slowly with knees bent, deeply slowly rolling.\ 12:45:22 all the way back up to standing\ 12:45:28 are sitting\ 12:45:33 in from this standing posture, just beginning to roll the shoulders forward up back and down the back body a few times at your own pace really feeling the sensations in the body as you do this\ 12:45:52 with the attention has gone elsewhere to thinking or sound.\ 12:46:00 Just noting that any few can guiding the attention back to the body sensations may be pleasant or unpleasant, or neutral.\ 12:46:13 And then rolling the shoulders in the opposite direction.\ 12:46:19 arms can just go along.\ 12:46:23 No need to keep the arm still just letting them move with the shoulders.\ 12:46:29 Breathing in the background and then slowing that down and coming back to standing or sitting with the arms by the sides.\ 12:46:38 And now just rotating through the neck.\ 12:46:42 So, bringing one ear to the shoulder and then rolling forward, opposite ear to opposite shoulder.\ 12:46:53 Gently back just taking a few of these next circles.\ 12:47:15 Then the opposite direction.\ 12:47:19 And then slowing down coming back.\ 12:47:22 Mac to standing and taking a breath here in standing posture, or sitting, then you can close the eyes if you want.\ 12:47:34 Just checking in with the body and how it feels right now.\ 12:47:39 Any sensations you notice the brass or a sense of the body perhaps feeling longer lighter, more connected.\ 12:47:52 You know just seeing if the brass has shifted at all.\ 12:48:00 Maybe there's a greater sense of ease or energy.\ }