{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\cocoartf1671\cocoasubrtf600 {\fonttbl\f0\fswiss\fcharset0 Helvetica;} {\colortbl;\red255\green255\blue255;} {\*\expandedcolortbl;;} \margl1440\margr1440\vieww10800\viewh8400\viewkind0 \pard\tx566\tx1133\tx1700\tx2267\tx2834\tx3401\tx3968\tx4535\tx5102\tx5669\tx6236\tx6803\pardirnatural\partightenfactor0 \f0\fs24 \cf0 16:28:52 exhaling through the mouth, taking a few breaths like this, noticing what sounds may come out as you're exhaling, maybe some making intentionally some soothing sounds are releasing sounds, maybe even like like a yawn like opening the mouth and you might\ 16:29:18 even wish to like, reach the fingertips up towards the jaw.\ 16:29:23 Sometimes we carry a lot of tension here in the john. This is actually one of the somatic practices I share with clients and so on is just feeling the fingertips at the hinge of the job where that your low kind of meets the jaw, just doing a gentle massage\ 16:29:43 and perhaps even downward motion.\ 16:29:48 And just noticing if this is releasing at all for the job.\ 16:29:55 You can feel sometimes like there's an opening or you might start to like the breath gets a bit deeper.\ 16:30:05 Maybe the breath goes deeper in the belly or you may notice a difference from side to side, greater tension on one side,\ 16:30:18 just allowing that to be as it is but feeling any sensations that you can right now in the jaw, if that is ok for you.\ 16:30:29 Not trying to change anything but just helping with this sense of touch, perhaps even a gentle massage\ 16:30:38 circular or downward motion.\ 16:30:46 taking a few breaths like this.\ 16:30:54 Noticing if maybe this job releases affecting the shoulders at all, or the hips, or the head.\ 16:31:18 this is helpful. So in a way, really getting to know this part of the body and if there has been tension or tightness here, or perhaps even if you're feeling anything in the shoulder sometimes the tops of their shoulders.\ 16:31:36 Perhaps placing the fingertips there and gently just tapping or doing a bit of a self massage on the tops of the shoulders, encouraging the shoulders to just be wider and the upper traps here the trapezoid.\ 16:32:01 Just move back and down and wide.\ 16:32:06 And then perhaps even placing the hands on the collarbone on the clavicle and raised here in the middle of the sternum.\ 16:32:15 With your hands just moving them slightly apart, and this can open the area of the chest.\ 16:32:27 Nothing forceful just Gentle, gentle encouragement.\ 16:32:31 And perhaps you might notice the breath getting deeper and the shoulders getting wider and the chest widening and opening.\ 16:32:40 Just to whatever you feel comfortable with your capacity.\ 16:32:46 And then releasing that if you want to continue to place the hand on the chest or on the belly that's fine or resting the hands.\ 16:32:58 Eyes open gently open or closed, maybe even intentionally looking away from the screen.\ 16:33:06 Taking a few slow full breaths into the belly through the nose\ 16:33:15 and checking in and seeing if you're noticing the breath entering the belly or the chest more seeing if you can just\ 16:33:27 balance the breath, not forcefully just allowing some spaciousness wherever you know the breath is a little bit more subtle.\ 16:33:40 Just as a way to balance and encourage the breast to move more equally into the chest and belly.\ 16:33:50 There's no right or wrong here.\ 16:33:53 But just as you're breathing in this way, inhaling through the nose\ 16:33:59 and exhaling through the nose.\ 16:34:02 And as you're inhaling and exhaling and encouraging a little bit more balance in the breath.\ 16:34:11 How it enters the body and as it reaches into the belly or the chest.\ 16:34:19 This starts to create a feeling of regulation greater.\ 16:34:27 Your presence or calm or ease in the nervous system.\ 16:34:32 This way of breathing.\ 16:34:35 When you might also encourage.\ 16:34:38 As you breathe in, just breathing in maybe if it's helpful to count up to four or so, through the nose.\ 16:34:50 Men perhaps pausing holding the breath for one or two and then exhaling and seeing if you can.\ 16:35:02 Exhale, more slowly making the exhale a little bit longer than the inhale, maybe counting up to five or six, and then pausing again,\ 16:35:18 And just continuing to breathe in this way.\ 16:35:21 Inhaling for a count of four.\ 16:35:27 Feeling the breath entering the body and where you feel it in the body, pausing\ 16:35:36 and exhaling for a count of five or six longer slower exhale through the nose.\ 16:35:48 It's noticing, there's any kind of a shift or movement in the way that breath is being received.\ 16:36:11 And how the body feels around the breath around this movement of breath,\ 16:36:21 then releasing the breath and just breathing normally breath in the background and checking in with the body.\ 16:36:30 Noticing if there are any areas of tension or tightness in the body and if there's something that stands out that's more prominent.\ 16:36:42 Even if it's kind of subtle but there's tension there.\ 16:36:46 Perhaps it's in the back of the head at the base of the skull or in the low back or the hips or the shoulders, just choosing one place. And as you're breathing in, allowing the in breath to expand into that part of the body.\ 16:37:08 And then on the exhale, allowing the out breath to how soft and this tension or tightness.\ 16:37:19 Even if it's just at the edges, just a little bit, there's reasons for attention and tightness in the body and sometimes it's to protect us body's trying to protect you from something that's okay.\ 16:37:39 Now, just in this moment seeing if you can expand into this place. On the inhale and soft and on the exhale.\ 16:37:50 Just a little bit.\ 16:37:58 Was if you could invite more oxygen and fresh air into this part of the body nourishing it.\ 16:38:09 Then on the exhale softening releasing, allowing any holding or any of the structure that needs to be there to be there but just around the edges, perhaps,\ 16:38:32 Then if you are still noticing any areas of tension perhaps.\ 16:38:38 On the inhale breathing in, kindness, or compassion for this part of the body for just because it's feeling this way.\ 16:38:52 Maybe it's unpleasant or difficult to feel this way.\ 16:38:57 And then on the exhale releasing and softening.\ 16:39:02 And if there's parts of the body that are feeling comfortable or easeful.\ 16:39:20 Or, offering gratitude for the hard work. All of the effort.\ 16:39:22 All of the whole thing, carrying of weight.\ 16:39:28 The body does\ 16:39:33 just releasing on the exhale.\ 16:39:38 That's helpful even placing a hand on the part of the body that is holding any tension, placing it there and feeling the support of the hand fingertips, perhaps even gently tapping or massaging that part of the body.\ 16:40:02 Continuing to breathe.\ 16:40:07 Inhaling expanding into this part, offering compassion, kindness, and exhaling releasing softening.\ 16:40:22 Inhaling gratitude for this part of the body\ 16:40:30 and exhaling releasing\ 16:40:40 returning back to a sense of the body as a whole body breathing supported in this posture supported by the earth by the chair, you're sitting on\ 16:41:00 and checking in with the eyes and noticing if there's any tension in the eyes around the forehead center of the forehead.\ 16:41:11 Breathing in and breathing out, expanding and releasing in the jar.\ 16:41:19 The neck and the shoulders.\ 16:41:24 The chest.\ 16:41:27 The upper back, middle back and the lower back in the belly.\ 16:41:36 In the hips,\ 16:41:39 the arms of the joints and muscles, elbows and wrists fingers.\ 16:41:48 And the legs.\ 16:41:50 The knees, ankles the feet,\ 16:41:59 still allowing the entire body to receive fresh breath nourishment.\ 16:42:08 Releasing anything that's unnecessary from the body.\ 16:42:20 And then whenever you're ready.\ 16:42:22 springing the attention back into the room and the space around you and any sounds feeling of air on the skin.\ 16:42:35 And then if the eyes are closed opening the eyes and bringing the attention back into our space.}