12:30:29 To you. Hello, is more than just a game one for 2, for 2 would take my heart and don't. 12:30:44 Brave was made for me, and. 12:30:34 Alright, beautiful! So with that Valentine's day, I thought it might be nice to explore the 5 love languages. 12:30:55 The work of Gary Chapman, and I encourage you to do this online quiz for yourself, and with loved ones, I'm gonna put it in the chat here, and I also have it on that document that I keep adding to and it's lovely. 12:31:06 You can do it for yourself, within, family, even with children they have a children's version with your flmates. 12:31:13 You know your friends, just to see where you are with your love, language, but in Irs we talk a lot about preferences, and the opposite, which is a versions and then, once you understand that what you value and the people around you value are you simple just preferences, really or versions and 12:31:30 there's no judgment necessary, right? You can recognize this and maybe develop a deeper connection with yourself without judgment and with loved ones, feeling greater wholeness for yourself and in your relationships. 12:31:46 Okay, we've got a new kind of TV. So let's see if I can get there. 12:31:51 They're always testing my techie ability. 12:31:54 So, okay. So with that, the invitation for this week is just experience being with these love languages. 12:32:01 And notice how they might appear in life, in self, care and quality alone. 12:32:05 Time, just in connecting with others I'm gonna stop this share here. 12:32:10 Just come into your comfortable position, whatever that is today, standing or sitting, leaving your video on or off. We'll just complete our time, together with some self nourishment and some self soothing and just always take care of any discomfort arises. 12:32:26 So today, this week, just take the time to rest as well as rejuvenate. 12:32:36 Feeling completely secure. 12:32:40 The invitation of this Irs practice is to welcome and meet, challenge or stress, all the while nourishing your ability to fully experience joy. 12:32:54 To just gazing gently, or eyes opened or closed. 12:32:58 Just take a few moments. 12:33:01 Settle, in. 12:33:13 Just completely trusting the surfaces and spaces that are supporting you. 12:33:21 Sense of ground beneath you. 12:33:28 Maybe warmth from clothing, or a blanket. 12:33:37 Any colors, or light or shadows. 12:33:52 Any sense or tastes. 12:34:00 And if you could be even 5 or 10% more at ease, just feeling it free to make any adjustments, to bring calm and well-being to the whole body in mind. 12:34:17 During irest welcome every experience as messengers. 12:34:24 Allow each perception to unfold completely, just as it is. 12:34:38 Experience your hearts, deepest desire, or a longing contribution. 12:34:49 Or purpose for this lifetime. 12:34:56 Might it be for absolute joy and equanimity? 12:35:04 Experiencing and affirming the felt sense of this heartfelt desire. It's already true. 12:35:10 In this very moment! 12:35:17 Experience and intention. 12:35:23 Wednesday supporting you, realizing your heartfelt desire. 12:35:27 During this practice, or in daily life. 12:35:34 Perhaps you're being open to opposites. 12:35:40 With wonder and delight. 12:35:46 Remembering and fully welcoming this intention with the whole body in mind. 12:35:59 Welcome in the inner resource. 12:36:05 A safe haven refuge helping you feel secure and at ease. 12:36:12 At a moment's notice. 12:36:19 Perhaps with imagery. 12:36:24 A place in nature. 12:36:28 Or an imagined place. 12:36:32 Perhaps a memory. 12:36:42 Or perhaps words bringing you to this unchanging in a resource. 12:36:52 Inner peace. 12:36:58 Easier. Okayness. 12:37:03 Serenity. 12:37:08 Tranquillity. 12:37:15 And a felt sense. 12:37:22 Perhaps breath in the entire body. 12:37:30 Release of the muscles that the jaw. 12:37:38 Shoulders. 12:37:45 Recognize. You can come back to this inner resource at a moment's notice. 12:37:52 Whenever you feel the need for ease or inner peace. 12:37:58 Okay. Nice. 12:38:04 Allowing my words to be your words. 12:38:11 Without needing to fix or change anything. 12:38:17 Everything perfect, just as it is. 12:38:24 Just taking your time to sense the whole front side of the body. 12:38:31 Top of the head. 12:38:34 All the way down to the toast. 12:38:39 Anything else comes to perception. Just notice as it expands and dissipates in its own time. 12:38:51 Letting go of vision. 12:38:57 Just the memory of the front side of the body. 12:39:05 At your own pace, maybe start to sense the whole back side of the body. 12:39:12 Top of the head all the way down to the heels. 12:39:17 As Sensation. 12:39:26 Letting go of vision, just experiencing the whole backside of the body as sensation. 12:39:37 How's your ready? Might you go back and forth between these opposites? 12:39:47 Sensing the whole front side of the body. 12:39:54 And then the whole backside of the body, as sensation. 12:40:00 Back and forth. 12:40:06 Feeling into the boundaries of the skin. 12:40:13 Trusting this direct experience. 12:40:20 Maybe the body dissolving into surfaces spaces beneath it. 12:40:36 Experiencing the whole body, front and back. 12:40:41 Top of the head all the way down to the feet. That's vivid sensation. 12:40:56 And the body breathing itself. 12:41:02 Not needing to fix or change anything. 12:41:08 Attention resting on the fullness of the body, his breath floats in. 12:41:20 M. Ting of the body as breath floats out. 12:41:28 Body breathing itself. 12:41:34 Perhaps the felt sense of the inner resource of calm and well-being. 12:41:41 Each changing sensation, revealing something unchanging, pure being, which you also are. 12:41:50 Spacious and whole. 12:41:59 Yes, you're ready. Might you welcome joy and well, being as sensation? 12:42:08 It feels right, perhaps tenderly placing a hand to the heart. 12:42:14 Perhaps warmth eliminating from the heart. 12:42:21 A gentle glow radiating from the belly. 12:42:26 Without needing to think or analyze everything. Naturally unfolding. 12:42:35 As the body in mind's own unique expression. 12:42:41 This experience, perfect just as it is. 12:42:50 Maybe bringing in a memory. 12:42:55 Or an object. 12:43:00 Maybe an animal or symbol. 12:43:05 Maybe a place. 12:43:09 And invite, invites joy and well-being. 12:43:20 And if nothing, this 2 is a perfect experience. 12:43:28 Just allowing the felt sense of joy to nurture the whole body in mind. 12:43:38 Feeling free to release the hands if that feels right, or staying in the heart's face, feeling your way. 12:43:50 As you're ready, might you notice and welcome? And opposite? 12:43:58 Maybe as an image. 12:44:01 Or memory. 12:44:04 Perhaps a challenge or stressor. 12:44:10 Something manageable. 12:44:16 And noticing where it lands in the body. 12:44:24 Scanning the whole body to notice other places. It might be landing. 12:44:35 Being curious about the movement or energy. 12:44:44 Is it tense or tingling? 12:44:50 Releasing. 12:44:55 Without needing to shift or soften. 12:44:59 Your experience, perfect just as it is. 12:45:08 And what would be in its place without this movement or this energy? 12:45:17 Anything else comes into perception, just noticing, without attaching or detaching. 12:45:28 And then go back and forth. Perhaps between these opposites. 12:45:37 Feeling, into one. 12:45:41 And then the other sensation. 12:45:51 And if helpful, interweaving the inner resource of being in well-being throughout the whole body in mind. 12:46:02 Complete and secure. 12:46:13 When it feels right, might you welcome both at the same time? 12:46:22 Enough space to hold the feeling of joy and challenge. 12:46:30 Or the feeling of well-being, and this transfer. 12:46:40 Enough space for both. 12:46:49 Mike. To notice is joy and well-being. Nourish the whole body in mind, even as you're feeling this challenge or stress. 12:47:08 And when you're ready. 12:47:12 Perhaps staying with the feeling that feels the most ease, and brings the most release. 12:47:21 Well-being. 12:47:24 Letting go of the messenger. 12:47:30 Feeling, equanimity, and harmony with yourself in the world all around you. 12:47:43 Each changing sensation reveals something unchanging. 12:47:48 Spacious and timeless. 12:47:53 Connected, perfect and whole. 12:48:00 Sense, and affirm how you always know the perfect and precise response to every moment of life. 12:48:15 Just taking your time. Now, as we gradually transition back to waking life. 12:48:23 All the while still feeling this absolute joy and equanimity throughout the body in mind. 12:48:33 Just beginning to walk on the spaces and surfaces that have been supporting you. 12:48:40 Sense of ground beneath you. 12:48:50 Wants of clothing. 12:48:54 Sensor, residue of taste. 12:49:01 When it feels right, just gently opening up close in the eye several times to integrate the experience. 12:49:09 Body-finding movement, maybe moving shoulders, neck. Hello, the fingers and toes to find movement just coming back to eyes fully awake. 12:49:22 And this present moment, grateful for taking this time for yourself and the practice of irest thanks.