12:31:18 I'm Jenn Borati from Genbi Yogi, and it's just a reminder. If you're needed further support, please reach out to me or to the supportive network of loved ones or the oy community. 12:31:40 And again, these are the that we've been talking about. 12:31:44 These messengers, these pointers. So we're gonna do a full practice today. 12:31:47 And just maybe noticing what musteners might arise along the way. 12:31:57 And the invitation for this week is maybe to interweave the inner resource throughout the day. 12:32:03 Even through life, as a place of safety and refuge at any given moment, with imagery enlivened by the senses, perhaps using words that resonate for you, and most importantly, a felt sense of the inner resource of that well-being or ease. 12:32:22 And then let's complete the time together with Irs integrated restoration, and just always seeking care if any discomfort arises. 12:32:32 To start, to settle in. 12:32:36 Whatever that looks like for day for today. 12:32:40 And movement, or instillness. 12:32:49 Just taking your time to register to spaces and surfaces. 12:32:59 Fully supported. 12:33:07 Eyes, gazing, opening, or closing. 12:33:15 Trusting everything around you. 12:33:20 Even if sounds come in and out, not needing to attach or detach. 12:33:28 Just noticing. 12:33:34 Letting go. 12:33:41 And if there's any residue of this morning. 12:33:46 Perhaps setting it aside, for now. 12:33:53 Maybe even imagining letting it down on the ground or placing it in a drawer. 12:34:06 Recognizing you can return to it later. 12:34:11 Perhaps feeling ready and more refreshed. 12:34:23 Sense is liberated all around you. 12:34:32 Touch of air on the skin. 12:34:43 Colors or light. 12:34:47 Shadows. 12:34:56 Sounds. 12:34:59 Outside or inside the room. 12:35:06 Not needing to attach or detach. 12:35:11 Just noticing. 12:35:17 Let me see any residue of taste. 12:35:34 Just allowing the body to make any final adjustments, to feel completely peaceful and calm. 12:35:44 Okay. And it ease. 12:35:51 During Irest might you greet every experience as messengers. 12:36:00 Allowing each perception to unfold completely, just as it is. 12:36:08 Even being curious. Maybe if there sounds. 12:36:14 Being able to just notice. 12:36:18 Not needing to fix or change anything. 12:36:25 Just noticing how they expand and dissolve just in their own time. 12:36:36 Reflect upon the hearts deepest desire. 12:36:43 Maybe a longing or contribution. 12:36:49 Purpose for this lifetime. 12:36:56 Your why, for this lifetime? 12:37:06 Maybe it's to serve others with your creative gifts. 12:37:16 Offer Unconditional Love. 12:37:20 Through patience and compassion. 12:37:27 Whatever resonates for you. 12:37:36 Experience, and affirm the felt sense of this. 12:37:44 As if you're living and expressing it, the entire body. 12:37:50 At this very moment? 12:38:02 And then, perhaps laying it aside. 12:38:07 Welcoming, how it reappears during this practice, and in everyday life. 12:38:23 Reflect upon an intention. 12:38:31 Why, for this moment or practice? 12:38:38 Supporting you in realizing your heartfelt desire. 12:38:47 Perhaps it's to feel spacious. 12:38:54 Timeless. 12:39:00 Or connected. 12:39:06 Perfect and whole. 12:39:14 Feeling yourself, as being. 12:39:24 Whatever feels right for you, just remembering and fully welcoming this intention. 12:39:32 The whole body in mind. 12:39:41 Welcome in the inner resource. 12:39:49 Safe haven or refuge. 12:39:59 Supporting you, and feeling safe and secure. 12:40:06 Okay. And it is at a moment's notice. 12:40:17 Perhaps connecting to the inner resource through imagery. 12:40:25 Enlivened by the 5 senses. 12:40:34 Might it be a memory? 12:40:41 The feeling of holding a furry friend. 12:40:47 Familiar, sent. 12:40:53 Gentle heartbeat. 12:41:00 Soft fur. 12:41:13 Or perhaps a place in nature. 12:41:20 Wandering along a white sandy beach. 12:41:27 Cool Breeze. 12:41:33 Salty air. 12:41:39 Waves gently lapping. 12:41:47 Perhaps words. 12:41:54 Serenity. 12:41:57 Or tranquility. 12:42:04 Inner peace. 12:42:10 Calm. 12:42:14 Whatever words resonate for you. 12:42:21 And if something comes back to perception. 12:42:25 Not needing to attach or detached, just noticing. 12:42:34 Participating in it's own time. 12:42:42 And it felt sense. 12:42:45 Bring you to this unchanging in a resource. 12:42:51 Perhaps emanating from the heart. 12:42:59 Or release in the muscles. 12:43:03 Shoulders. 12:43:06 Hinges of the jaw. 12:43:12 Or deep breath in the entire body. 12:43:19 Recognizing and affirming, you can return to the inner resource at any time. 12:43:27 During this Irs practice. 12:43:31 And an everyday life. 12:43:37 Whenever you feel the need for being secure, safe. 12:43:43 Okay, and Ease. 12:43:52 Allowing my words to be your words. 12:43:57 As attention floats through the body. 12:44:05 Without needing to judge or analyze. 12:44:11 Feeling the entire way. 12:44:18 John Mouse. 12:44:25 Knows. 12:44:30 Ears. 12:44:36 Eyes. 12:44:41 Space between the eyebrows. 12:44:47 Forehead. 12:44:54 Intention, floating down the neck, across the shoulders. 12:45:04 Floating down each arm, palm and finger, as sensation. 12:45:20 Attention floating through the pelvis and hips, glutes! 12:45:32 Without needing to shift or soften. 12:45:40 Attention floating down each leg. 12:45:45 Feet and toes as sensation. 12:45:56 Fully trusting this direct experience. 12:46:05 Vibrant sensation. 12:46:14 Sensing the unified body. 12:46:18 The felt sense of the inner resource of being and well-being. 12:46:27 And attend, floating through the body. 12:46:33 The body breathing itself. 12:46:40 Aundant energy and sensation throughout the entire body. 12:46:51 And the felt sense of the inner resource of being and well being with each breath. 12:47:02 Changing sensations, revealing unchanging awareness, coolness of being. 12:47:14 Taking a moment now to enjoy just the feeling of being. 12:47:21 Welcoming the felt sense of spaciousness. 12:47:27 Timelessness. 12:47:31 As you're just being. 12:47:38 The felt sense of feeling, perfect. 12:47:43 Connected. 12:47:48 Complete. 12:47:53 And whole! 12:48:02 I felt sense of well being. 12:48:09 Harmony. 12:48:14 Piece. 12:48:20 As simply being. 12:48:26 Welcome any emotion that might be at your doorstep as a messenger. 12:48:37 Just noticing where to rise in the body. 12:48:48 And even this other perceptions come in, not needing to attach or detach. 12:48:59 Everything naturally expanding. 12:49:04 Just feeling the way. 12:49:12 Noticing where the messengers are rising in the body. 12:49:22 And if nothing's appearing, just simply being with most calling your attention. 12:49:29 This, too, is the perfect experience. 12:49:39 If helpful, interweaving the inter resource of being and well-being throughout the body and mind. 12:49:56 Sensing all that you're now aware of. 12:50:02 Feeling back into unchanging awareness, which all of these changing sensations appear and expand. 12:50:16 Float back to where they came from. 12:50:20 Unchanging awareness. 12:50:23 Sure, being. 12:50:31 Taking your time, might you notice and welcome any thoughts or beliefs visiting at the doorstep? 12:50:47 Where does it arise in the body? 12:50:58 Nothing needing any fixing or changing. 12:51:08 This perfect experience, just as it is. 12:51:20 And if no thought or belief is appearing. 12:51:27 Simply being what's most calling your attention. 12:51:40 If helpful, interweaving the inter resource of being in well-being throughout the body in mind. 12:52:02 Sensible that you're now aware of. 12:52:10 Feel back into unchanging awareness. But you also are. 12:52:21 Which all of these changing sensations appear and expand. 12:52:29 And float away back to where they came from. 12:52:35 And unchanging awareness, sure being. 12:52:41 Containing everything and everyone. 12:52:51 Perhaps a feeling of joy appears. 12:52:57 Independent of anything and anyone. 12:53:06 Maybe interweaving the felt sense of the inner resource. 12:53:14 And noticing how joy is also a changing sensation. 12:53:20 Revealing something unchanging. 12:53:27 Imagine going about daily life. 12:53:31 Awareness awake and aware of itself. 12:53:38 Sensing enough, Birming, how in each moment you always recognize the perfect and precise response to each situation in life. 12:53:55 Reflect on the 6 welcoming, unchanging awareness. 12:54:08 Listen, being! 12:54:12 In which everything unfolds. 12:54:19 And expands fully. 12:54:25 Dissolving back in its own time. 12:54:34 Just taking your time. Now, as we transition back to waking life. 12:54:42 Sensing the spaces and surfaces that have been supporting you. 12:54:49 Touch of air. 12:54:54 Sounds. 12:55:00 Sense. 12:55:06 Tastes. 12:55:11 Just take a few more moments resting in being feelings spacious. 12:55:20 Timeless. 12:55:24 Connected. 12:55:29 Perfect and whole. 12:55:34 Fully integrating this experience into waking life. As eyes open and close body finds movement. 12:55:45 Wiggling, moving the neck, perhaps for refreshed and ready. 12:55:54 All the while accompanied by the felt sense of being and well being. 12:55:59 Wellness, moving back into everyday life, appreciative of this time for yourself and the practice of virus. 12:56:09 Thank you so much. See you thanks. So I guess we have 5 more minutes, except for some people so let's do the neck. 12:56:21 I was like doing the next. That's the one place we don't do and if you have to go we'll see you next time. 12:56:26 So yeah, spring break. So we'll see you in 2 weeks. 12:56:31 Take care so let me just allow the chin to fall towards the chest for a moment. 12:56:39 Share that length in the neck. 12:56:42 It's like 4 times a day on the weekend, and it's still feels new every time I do it. 12:56:48 And then, as you're ready, just release the head, and maybe bring the hands underneath the chin, not forcing anything. 12:56:55 Release the shoulders just that lengthening, and the neck. 12:56:59 Couple of breaths. Here! 12:57:06 Last! Breath let me just ready to come back to center. Maybe bring one in for resting, and then allow the ear to fall towards the shoulder. 12:57:15 Just feel that lengthening to the side, release the shoulder. 12:57:21 There feel the flexion on the other side, and just breathe here. 12:57:28 Just taking your time to start to rotate the head noticing all the little bits and pieces in the neck it's really let the neck lead you. 12:57:37 So feeling your way. No rush. 12:57:42 It is a release, and the different bits and pieces of the neck. 12:57:47 Here, take your time. 12:57:51 As you come back to center we'll come to the other side. 12:57:53 So along the ear to fall towards the shoulder, not forcing anything it might feel different on this side, so just modify as you need to just a couple of breaths here. 12:58:05 These are things that we should do during the day, right throughout the day. 12:58:11 And then slowly, just for rotating the head it's noticing. 12:58:15 Take your time. 12:58:19 Scaling into the different bits and pieces of the neck. Here. 12:58:25 Just coming back to the center as you're ready. Just take a moment to notice if there's other movements. 12:58:30 The neck is longing for. We're gonna bring in twisting. 12:58:33 So just gently bringing in dynamic movement at your own pace, your own breath. 12:58:43 Then in a moment we'll just linger in one direction for a while, so take your time, can release that shoulder so it opens a little bit more. 12:58:52 Breathe, here! 12:58:55 Another breath! 12:59:00 As you ready. Let's come back through center and then go to the other side and just notice it feels different on this side. 12:59:06 So adjust or modify. Safer this for a couple of breaths. 12:59:15 Another breath! 12:59:19 Last breath, okay, come back to center. So thank you.