12:30:41 Alright. I suggest sorry to feel into the chair and the support you might find. 12:30:47 You know your your ankle starting to align underneath the knees, maybe starting to build your foundation, maybe starting to feel sit phones releasing into the seat seat. 12:31:01 Maybe engage in the apps starting to find alignment at the spine. 12:31:06 Can you guys hear me. Okay, let me know if you can't hear me? 12:31:08 Okay? Oh, okay, Alright, i'll just do a quick one then we'll move on to the meditation. 12:31:14 So just finding this comfortable seated position, if that's okay for you, if you wanna stand, or just observe that's okay as well. 12:31:22 So finding a line that the ads are engaging building the vertebrate by vertebrate, maybe opening up the chest, and it's almost coming into like a mountains your body. 12:31:32 Starting to work here. Maybe the chin is slightly tucked, just noticing the body. 12:31:36 Is there any aches or places that need attention just to start off with, because it's may be different in our bodies. 12:31:46 And then, as you're ready, they might just inhale our arms up, so building in the axial extension and start reaching up. 12:31:54 Oh, this is nice, Okay, and then, maybe reaching with 2 arms, might feel lengthening. 12:31:58 You might even push through the feet to really like the body here, interlacing the hands coming into that lateral movement, you might feel a big extent. 12:32:07 You might wanna press on this one foot and coming all the way up to the other side. 12:32:12 Oh, it feels nice inhaling back to center, pressing down to the other foot as you find the lateral extension on the other side. 12:32:21 Well, that sounds good. I enjoy doing all this, too. So and then inhaling back to center. 12:32:28 If you want Okay, and then if it feels okay in your body maybe we'll lower down. 12:32:33 So come into a gentle forward fold, so just slowly starting to verify by vertebrate, you might even want to widen your feet. 12:32:39 Come to the edge of your chair in fact, it's okay to go down whatever the body allows him. 12:32:44 I didn't come into a rag though he can release the arms. 12:32:50 You guys can see this releasing it to releasing the neck, i'm gonna do some little rules here. 12:33:00 Just honor your neck. Yeah, that direction 12:33:07 Too much computer. Okay, Then you're ready let's see ground for just a moment, or anything you could touch, and then slowly roll where it rate by vertebrate to roll the shoulders open. 12:33:21 That can head or last. Okay, just be gentle, because you might have blood rushing to the head, another coming to a twist. 12:33:28 So maybe going to the opposite leg, holding onto the chair inhale to lengthen. 12:33:33 And just notice this first, and then just start turning towards the open area, and you'll like them excel torso turning it feels okay. 12:33:42 Inhale likes it the next zoom just be here for just a moment. 12:33:47 Just notice asking for any more reasons and he's already exhaling back to center. 12:33:54 Just feel into that for a moment as you get ready for the other side. 12:33:58 So, holding on to the 5, holding onto the chair, inhale to lengthen, exhale, start twisting, inhale, lengthen, twisting to the torso. 12:34:07 Maybe the next follows, just honoring your body here breathing here. 12:34:11 Legs are strong, nothing's collapsing open up that shoulder, another breath. 12:34:17 Okay. exhaling back to Center 12:34:25 Opening up, really opening up the chest you can bring to using it gently in the neck again. 12:34:32 That feels good exhale, gazing at the belly and then with your own breath inhaling and exhaling coming into cow, but less enough an exhaling Marjorie just feel into your body There's 12:34:49 any other extra movement. Before we go to the meditation, feel free to bring that in. 12:34:55 Let me come back to center. Yeah, if this feels good, maybe even just bringing some self soothing that feels nice. 12:35:04 But it's self seating. Do you Get ready for the meditation. 12:35:08 Okay, Thanks for going with that. everybody i'm gonna just do what I do. 12:35:12 So i'm gonna share screen again. welcome I have a bit of a song for you. 12:35:19 It's called gathering since we're kind of talking about connectedness and disconnectedness. 12:35:24 It's by soul rising and dj tas Rashid let's start at the beginning 12:36:38 Okay, So that was just a little bite of that song and if you like it. 12:36:42 It's gathering is called by soul rising So we're gonna come back to this loving kindness. 12:36:50 We've been working with the kansukas or pointers and feeling into the different messengers. 12:36:56 So today's messages related to being connected and disconnected, and maybe, if just, feel into those words just at this moment, is anything arising when you feel into the words these pairs of opposites disconnected and connected are 12:37:12 there any sensations or emotions arising any thoughts or beliefs, memories or people 12:37:28 And We're gonna feel more into that in just a moment so loving kindness is one of the 4 Brahma Brahma Vaharas. 12:37:34 It's a Buddhist virtue meditation practice and Sharon, Salzburg. 12:37:38 She's well known for these teachings on loving-kindness. 12:37:41 So we're gonna explore her meditation. and perhaps it's a doorway to working with these pointers disconnected and connected, and some of you may be practicing love and kindness already, and for some of you may 12:37:52 be new. So, wherever you are, just feel free to modify anything, to personalize the practice to develop. 12:38:00 And deep in this connection with ourselves in the world and everyone around us so i'm gonna stop the sherry here. 12:38:08 So just starting to sit comfortably, or finding any position the body wants to be in. 12:38:14 The eyes can be opened or closed. 12:38:22 And just maybe letting attention settle into the body 12:38:29 And at your own pace, maybe taking a few small and deep breaths into the belly 12:38:42 As you feel the natural breath, we'll be choosing an object of awareness, silent repetition of some certain phrases related to loving-kindness 12:38:58 I'm gonna start with ourselves as the first recipient and feel free to use any variation of these phrases. 12:39:07 I'll say them allowed for all of us may I be safe, be happy, be healthy, living with ease 12:39:28 Just feeling it to be, or there's other words that resonate for you 12:39:38 Repeating these phrases over and over with enough space and silence creating a rhythm that's pleasing to you. 12:39:48 I'm gonna repeat them again a couple more times May I Be safe, be happy, be healthy living with ease. 12:40:02 May I be safe? be happy, be healthy, living with ease. 12:40:14 Just notice what it rises in the body without attaching or detaching 12:40:26 You don't have to force any special kind of feeling 12:40:31 Just gathering your attention behind one phrase at a time. 12:40:40 Repeating it over and over at your own pace. 12:40:48 And if attention starts to wander, or anything comes into perception. 12:40:58 Just invite everything. 12:41:06 And then, as you're ready, maybe you can bring to mind someone who will call a benefactor. 12:41:17 Think of someone who has helped you 12:41:23 Maybe they've helped you directly or they've helped you when you fall in or struggled 12:41:37 So maybe it's somebody you've never even met felt supported 12:41:50 This might be someone who makes you smile 12:41:57 So if someone comes to mind, you can bring them in here 12:42:05 Visualizing them, or the essence of them 12:42:12 With all your senses. 12:42:16 If you know their name, can say their name to yourself. 12:42:25 Getting a feeling of their presence 12:42:34 And offering the phrases of loving kindness to them. 12:42:39 Even if the words seem a little imperfect that's Okay, I'll repeat them here. 12:42:47 May you be safe, Be happy, be healthy, living with ease. 12:42:57 May you be safe, be happy, be healthy, living with ease 12:43:11 Maybe emotions might be arising, or thoughts you might feel grateful or even invented. 12:43:20 Whatever is coming up, maybe just allowing them to wash through you 12:43:30 Not needing to attach or detach, just setting the attention on the repetition of the phrases 12:43:46 And as you're ready, perhaps, having the benefactor figure, offer love, and kindness, back to you, putting yourself in the position of the recipient 12:44:01 The benefactor, offering the phrases to you, and you be safe. 12:44:09 Be happy, be healthy, living with ease. you be safe, be happy, be healthy, living with ease. 12:44:24 And again, if anything arises 12:44:29 Not needing to suppress or absorb in them 12:44:36 Just setting your attention back, repeating the phrases 12:44:50 As you're ready no imagine a friend who's doing well right now. 12:45:01 You can bring them in here, using all your senses to visualize them. 12:45:07 Maybe saying their name. 12:45:15 Feeling, their presence. 12:45:22 And offering this friend he's doing well right now, loving kindness. 12:45:30 You be safe, be happy, be healthy, living with ease. 12:45:38 May you be safe, be happy, be healthy. The thing with ease 12:45:54 Now imagine a friend for someone you know who's having difficulty 12:46:06 If someone specific comes to mind, you can bring them in here 12:46:18 Visualizing the presence 12:46:25 Saying your name. 12:46:30 And offering the phrases of love and kindness to them. 12:46:32 A friend who's having difficulty 12:46:39 May you be safe, Be happy, be healthy, living with ease. 12:46:48 May you be safe, be happy, be healthy, living with ease 12:47:05 And as you're ready my 2 imagine a gathering of friends and family 12:47:15 Noticing anyone that comes to mind. Near and far 12:47:24 Visualizing, this gathering of loved ones 12:47:34 Maybe even taking time to say each of their names 12:47:49 At your own pace, starting to offer love and kindness to this gathering 12:47:57 May all of you be safe. be happy, be healthy, living with ease 12:48:11 May all of you be safe. be happy, be healthy, living with these 12:48:28 And, if feels, are right, maybe adding all the beans everywhere, all the people, all creatures, all of nature, everything in existence, near and far known and unknown. 12:48:59 Just feeling into that feeling, their presence in their essence. 12:49:09 May all beings be safe, be happy, be healthy, living with ease, may all be be safe. 12:49:23 Be happy, be healthy, living with ease. 12:49:35 Just notice how this all appears in the body, mind. 12:49:47 And then it feels okay, maybe bringing in a little bit of body sensing here, allowing my words to be your words 12:49:58 Without needing to shift or soften anything 12:50:06 Taking a moment to feel into the jaw 12:50:12 No. 12:50:16 Cheeks. 12:50:22 Ears. 12:50:30 Breath entering the nostrils. 12:50:40 Guys. 12:50:45 The space between the forehead 12:50:50 Top of the head 12:50:57 Back of the head. 12:51:03 Entire face and head as sensation. 12:51:14 Taking your time to scan the body 12:51:22 Going through the torso 12:51:28 Each arm, hand and finger as sensation 12:51:39 Taking time to feel in the whole bottom part of the body 12:51:44 Oops pelvis attention streaming down each leg, and toes 12:52:03 Feeling into the whole face and head, entire body unified as sensation 12:52:16 Each changing sensation, revealing something unchanging, unchanging awareness, which you also are 12:52:30 Just scanning the whole front side of the body top of the head all the way down to bottom of the feet. 12:52:42 He's taking your time 12:52:46 Scanning the whole backside of the body top of the head, streaming all the way down heels at the feet 12:53:07 Sides of the body, left and right 12:53:13 Sides of the head all the way down to sides of the feet. 12:53:21 Your own pace 12:53:26 Noticing the sensations arise and expand and dissolve on their own back to awareness 12:53:42 The body breathing itself 12:53:47 Noticing is breath gradually comes into the nostrils, votes down the throat. 12:54:00 Down deep into the belly. 12:54:06 Effortlessly turning on its own 12:54:12 Any sounds come into your perception, just noticing 12:54:18 Arrived, and dissipating in their own time. This is the breath turns and exhaled all on its own 12:54:34 Just recognize the journey. You've just taken 12:54:44 Feeling into the connections with yourself in the world, and all the beings 12:54:54 Just bring that into your day through every interaction, action. 12:55:05 Welcome back the room with all your senses sailing into the spaces and surfaces. 12:55:14 You've been resting on 12:55:19 Temperature, sounds. 12:55:28 All the while feeling this unchanging awareness it's always here, supporting, as you're ready integrate this experience by opening a closing the eye several times, feeling into this unchanging awareness and connection everything around you 12:55:51 maybe allowing the bodies to find movement, wiggling toes and fingers just grateful for this time, and the practice of loving kindness. 12:56:02 And I rest. Thank you guys, if that was helpful, how do you feel? 12:56:12 Yeah, okay, just kind of blended 2 meditations together because I was watching the talk. 12:56:16 But hopefully, that sounds okay. Yeah, Did the visualizations come in for you guys as you were? 12:56:21 Sort of being offered different people. yeah I know it's it's done different ways.