12:23:43 Okay, record. 12:23:48 Hello again, welcome everybody to restorative reset. I'm Jen Barati. 12:23:54 And as always, just remember to take care during any wellness sessions, follow any medical advice. Just honor your body of today. 12:24:15 And there are some resource. 12:24:19 So this session happened or this. This session happened. 12:24:24 So feel free to see there's a recording there. 12:24:33 Oh, here we go. Okay, so. If you wanna tune into this session that had happened, it's the part 2 of the trauma series. 12:24:42 So feel free to join in. There's a recording. And there'll be another session. Coming in December. 12:24:49 So feel free to check that out. And then I was checking, It's like Oy has some yoga sessions coming on as well. So always check back. 12:25:02 There's always lots of different events. That are available to support you. 12:25:18 And so before we get into the practice, if there's anybody who wants to share anything, feel free to. 12:25:23 Put anything in the chat. Or reach out before or after practices. And this is our second last session for this fall semester. 12:25:33 So. In a resource. We've been inquiring into this for this last month. And we'll continue with words. 12:25:41 So coming back to that felt sense in the body. What words maybe bring you to this? This unchanging okayness and ease at a moment's notice. 12:25:52 Is in a resource that's always supporting us in the background. Even if it's being outshone by other emotions or thoughts. 12:26:07 So as you repeat these words Little and often over and over. Where is that might feel important or ring true? 12:26:17 The inner resource becomes more habitual. Becomes more easily accessed at a moment's notice. And during the practice of IRS today, I'll offer words. 12:26:28 And feel free to inquire and be curious with each of them. See what lands, see what arises. 12:26:34 See what feels right. Just let the words float away. And it's completely acceptable if there's no words that you want to use. 12:26:42 Just stay with the felt sense in the body. And during this practice, you'll be guided by my voice. 12:26:48 Finding any comfortable position. Sitting, ing down, standing or moving in one spot. All possibilities are always welcomed asleep, resting. 12:27:00 Completely alert and awake. And if there is any discomfort, feel free to open the eyes. We find movement in the body, wiggling toes and fingers grounding the feet. 12:27:12 The invitation throughout this week or even just today until we meet again. Practice intentionally this inner resource using words. 12:27:22 Anything that rings true or feels important to you, maybe being curious. No, you can connect to the in a resource at a moment's notice whenever you want to feel ease and okayness. 12:27:33 So let's complete our time together with irest. 12:27:41 So just start to settle in. 12:27:45 Eyes opened or closed. 12:27:51 Maybe trusting everything supporting you. Spaces all around. 12:28:00 Feeling more and more free to let go. 12:28:08 If there's any residue of the day. 12:28:12 Maybe tucking that away. Just gently laying it down. Placing it in a drawer. 12:28:21 Okay, recognizing you can come back to it, maybe feeling more ready or refreshed after the practice. 12:28:33 Just at your own pace maybe allowing the census to explore. 12:28:39 The sense is freed all around. 12:28:44 Without needing to attach or detach to anything. 12:28:49 Just noticing with curiosity. 12:28:54 Welcome sensations of the body. 12:29:00 Perhaps touching various surfaces or textures. 12:29:08 Noticing air on the skin. 12:29:13 Or places of warmth. 12:29:21 Maybe there's hints of color or light or shadows. 12:29:32 Noticing any sounds. 12:29:36 Maybe coming from the body. 12:29:41 Around the room or beyond the room. 12:29:52 Let me take in the mouth. 12:29:57 20 cents or fragrances. 12:30:07 Just taking time for the body to make any final adjustments. 12:30:13 To feel completely at ease and okay. 12:30:24 During irest. Why do you greet every experience? As messengers or pointers. 12:30:35 Everything unfolding and expanding. 12:30:40 And dissipating in their own time back to where they came from. 12:30:51 Let me take a moment here to reflect upon the heart steepest desire. 12:30:59 The hearts longing or contribution. 12:31:06 Purpose for this lifetime. 12:31:11 Why in the world? 12:31:19 Experiencing and affirming the felt sense. 12:31:24 As though you're living and expressing it. With the entire body. At this very moment. 12:31:39 Maybe even letting it go. Noticing how it might unfold. During the practice or beyond. 12:31:52 Reflect upon an intention. 12:31:56 Your why for this moment or practice. 12:32:00 Supporting you in realizing the heartfelt desire. 12:32:08 Perhaps an intention of feeling and activating the inner resource through words. 12:32:19 Whatever feels right at this moment. Whatever resonates. 12:32:25 Remembering and fully welcoming this intention. The whole body in mind. 12:32:43 When you're ready, maybe begin to welcome in the inner resource. 12:32:50 A safe haven. For refuge. An oasis. 12:33:02 In a resource supporting you and feeling safe and secure. Loved and an ease. At a moment's notice. 12:33:16 Perhaps connecting through imagery. 12:33:20 And live in by the 5 senses. 12:33:29 Maybe a place in nature. 12:33:34 Or an imagined place 12:33:42 Might be a loved one. 12:33:47 Or imagery of a memory or. Wisdom figure. 12:33:54 Other perceptions come in just Notice. Not needing to attach or detach. 12:34:04 Noticing how perceptions arise and expand. 12:34:09 Dissolving in their own time backward they came from. 12:34:17 So maybe connecting to the inner resource through words. 12:34:24 Feeling free to invite any words or 12:34:28 So free to invite words that are important to ring true to you. 12:34:35 If none of the words resonate, just allow them to float. 12:34:40 Staying with whatever is most arising the body. 12:34:49 Secure. 12:34:56 Connected. 12:35:03 Any other perceptions are coming in. Just feel free to notice. 12:35:10 So need to analyze or judge. 12:35:17 Notice how they arise. 12:35:21 And dissolve in their own time. 12:35:28 Just feeling your way to the inner resource. Noticing what words might resonate. Or float away. 12:35:39 Maybe at ease. 12:35:45 Comfortable. 12:35:51 Content. 12:35:57 Still. 12:36:03 Clear. 12:36:08 Grounded. 12:36:15 Peaceful. 12:36:23 Expansive. 12:36:30 Open. 12:36:37 Safe. 12:36:43 Stable. 12:36:51 Balanced. 12:36:59 Resilient. 12:37:07 Flowing. 12:37:12 12 being. 12:37:19 Being. 12:37:25 Whatever words resonate for you. 12:37:30 And if there are no words. This too is a perfect experience. 12:37:38 Just staying with whatever is most calling for attention. 12:37:47 And noticing where you feel the inner resource. 12:37:53 Where's the felt sense of the inner resource? 12:38:01 Perhaps it's a warmth, emanating from the heart. 12:38:09 Maybe a deep breath in the entire body. 12:38:18 Or perhaps a release in the muscles. 12:38:26 And the hinges of the jaw. 12:38:30 The shoulders. 12:38:35 Or maybe in the belly. 12:38:41 Recognizing and affirming. You can return to the inner resource at any time. 12:38:50 Return during this Iris practice. And in everyday life. 12:38:57 Whenever you feel the need for being secure. Safe. Okay, and at ease. 12:39:09 Just taking a moment here. Allowing my words to be your words. 12:39:16 As attention floats through the body. 12:39:21 I don't need to shift or soften. 12:39:26 Feeling the way. 12:39:31 The tension resting on the jaw. 12:39:40 Feeling the lips. 12:39:43 Inside the mouth. 12:39:53 Attention on the cheeks. 12:40:01 Attention resting on the outer canals of the ears. 12:40:09 Dissolving through each ear as sensation. 12:40:19 Attention floating each nostril. 12:40:31 Tension resting on the space between the eyebrows. 12:40:41 Sensing through the eyes. 12:40:49 Sensing the forehead. 12:40:56 Attention resting on the entire face as sensation. 12:41:06 Noticing the entire head and face. 12:41:14 And following sensation throughout the body. 12:41:21 Along the neck and shoulders. 12:41:29 Phone sensation along the limbs. 12:41:41 The unified face, head and body as sensation. 12:41:49 I felt sense of the inner resource of being and well being. 12:42:05 Attention floating throughout the body. Breathing itself. 12:42:14 Changing sensations, revealing something unchanging. 12:42:19 Pure being. True nature, which you also are. 12:42:33 Might you take a moment here to notice if there are any messengers arising? 12:42:40 Let's call in for your attention. 12:42:48 Noticing any sensations. 12:42:54 Emotion. 12:42:58 Thought. 12:43:03 Memory. 12:43:07 Belief. 12:43:15 Noticing anything calling for the attendant as a messenger. 12:43:26 Without the need to analyze or judge. 12:43:33 Feeling the entire way. 12:43:41 And if there's nothing. 12:43:45 This 2 is a perfect experience. 12:43:52 Just stay with whatever is most calling for attention. 12:44:01 Noticing where do you feel this in the body? 12:44:14 And might you interweave the inner resource of being and well being? 12:44:23 Feeling the way. 12:44:29 And as you're ready, maybe staying with whatever brings the greatest ease in okayness. 12:44:38 Letting everything else dissolve away. Back to where it came from. 12:44:47 Unchanging awareness. Containing everything and everyone. 12:44:59 And might you notice if Joy might arise? 12:45:04 Joy that's independent of anything and any one. 12:45:13 Feeling through the heart's face. 12:45:20 Flowing throughout the body. 12:45:28 And perhaps interweaving the felt sense of the inner resource. 12:45:38 Noticing how joy is also a changing sensation. 12:45:43 Arising and unfolding. 12:45:47 Returning back to where it came from. 12:45:51 Revealing something unchanging. 12:45:58 Pure being, which you also are. 12:46:06 Imagine going about everyday life. 12:46:10 Awareness awake and aware of itself. 12:46:16 Sensing and affirming. How in every moment. 12:46:22 You recognize the perfect and precise response. To every situation in life. 12:46:35 Taking a moment to reflect on this experience. 12:46:42 Welcome in unchanging awareness and wholeness. 12:46:46 Which everything is unfolding. 12:46:50 Expanding. 12:46:53 And dissolving back in. It's own time. 12:47:02 And taking time here to transition back into waking life. 12:47:06 Perhaps there's a few more things left to do. 12:47:13 Maybe feeling a little more refreshed and ready. 12:47:19 Census exploring once again. 12:47:25 Sensing the surfaces and spaces supporting you. 12:47:33 Okay. Places of coolness. 12:47:40 Welcome back any sounds. Inside or beyond the room. 12:47:48 Any colors or light. Shadows. 12:47:55 Any taste or sense. 12:48:00 Just taking your time as the eyes open and close several times. Integrating this experience into waking life. 12:48:11 Allowing the body to find movement, toes and fingers wiggling. All the while staying with the felt sense of the inner resource. 12:48:22 Perhaps connecting and activating the inner resource through words. 12:48:31 Feeling this unchanging awareness. In which everything and everyone is arising. 12:48:38 Expanding and will dissolve back into. In its own time. 12:48:46 Just taking the time to move back into everyday life. Eyes wide awake. Great for this time together. 12:48:55 The practice of Thank you. Just a little bit of movement here if it feels okay. Might invite the neck. 12:49:03 Next always a good place to go. Might invite the neck. Next always a good place to go. 12:49:05 So if it feels okay, it's always a good place to go. So if it feels okay, bring the chin towards the chest. 12:49:07 So if it feels okay, bring the chin towards the chest. If you feel that lengthening the back of the chest, if you feel that lengthening the back of the neck, the cervical spine and the back of the neck, the cervical spine, maybe even the upper back shoulders. 12:49:13 Take a moment to open the neck. You can always do a range of motion. 12:49:19 And then taking your time, find dynamic movement. Letting the neck lead you. Remember to do this throughout the day. 12:49:27 It feels okay. Coming back to center, actual extension, we find that lateral sideband. 12:49:34 Bye. So all the movements of the spine. 12:49:40 Inhale back to central, so that on the other side. Again, just notice, modify if you need to, each side is different. 12:49:48 Inviting that twisting. 12:49:52 I hear some sounds. Coming back to center. And thank you. Enjoy the rest of your day.