
News & Stories: Policy Monitor

November 20, 2023

Excerpt: "High quality early learning and child care environments support improved outcomes for Yukon children, which is key for later success in school and life. The Government of Yukon is working to update the Child Care Act, which came into force on July 1, 1990. Changes to this legislation will consider the key principles of quality, affordability, inclusivity and accessibility. The public engagement process will begin next week. Over the following two months, meetings will be held with partner and stakeholder groups including Yukon First Nations governments, early learning educators, non-profit groups and operators of family day homes and child care centres. The public will be able to complete a short survey online and provide more detailed feedback about the topics most important to them."
October 4, 2023

Excerpt: "As of April 1st, the average cost of licensed child care for children five years of age and younger was reduced, on average, by 60 per cent. This means that families in the NWT are now saving up to $545 a month per child in child care fees. Families can expect to see further cost reductions until we reach our goal of an average of $10 per day child care."
October 11, 2023

Excerpt: "The Government of the Northwest Territories (GNWT) has released plans to update student assessment tools and practices as it works toward implementing the new adapted Northwest Territories (NWT) Junior Kindergarten to Grade 12 (JK-12) curriculum. Assessment tools and practices include report cards, standardized tests, and exams. Educators assess student learning by gathering evidence about what students know, understand, and can do with their knowledge."
November 1, 2023

Excerpt: "The purpose of the Strategic Action Plan is to provide guidance and direction on inclusion and equity to all early learning and child care stakeholders in Nunavut for three years from 2023-2026. Its scope includes enhancing inclusion and equity for children with disabilities, children needing enhanced or individual supports, Indigenous – in particular Inuit – children, Black and other racialized children, children in foster care, and official language minority children. This Strategic Action Plan also aims to ensure that vulnerable children and children from diverse backgrounds have access to licensed child care spaces. To achieve this, the Government of Nunavut is committed to work together with all partners and stakeholders, while also taking a leadership role in its sphere of responsibility."
June 1, 2023

Excerpt: "The aim of the Nunavut Early Learning and Child Care Quality Framework is to present a clear and accessible vision for ELCC in Nunavut that supports the development and delivery of ELCC programs and services across the territory. Whether this takes place in the home, child care settings, community-based programs, or parenting centres in remote or urban communities, all ELCC programs developed and delivered in Nunavut should align with the vision and guiding principles presented in this framework."
October 1, 2023

Wage Scale Program

Excerpt: "Nunavut's Early Learning and Child Care (ELCC) Wage Scale Program recommends a minimum wage that should be provided to ELCC staff. To promote the scale's implementation and the recruitment and retention of dedicated ELCC staff, this new program accepts applications from licensed child care centres for contribution funding to top up their staff compensation to levels outlined in the scale. This initiative provides contribution funding to licensed child care centres serving children aged 0-6.The goal is to ensure that ELCC staff receive equitable compensation for their crucial role in promoting the growth and well-being of all children. The ELCC Wage Scale outlines distinct wage levels across four categories: Management; Early childhood educator; Program support; Centre support."
November 16, 2023

Excerpt: "After extensive consultation, the province has developed a workforce strategy that responds to the issues and priorities of the sector. Starting in 2024, initiatives in the strategy include: Increasing the starting wage for RECEs employed by child care operators enrolled in the Canada-wide Early Learning and Child Care (CWELCC) system to $23.86/hour in 2024 from the planned $20/hour; Extending the eligibility ceiling for a $1/hour increase so more RECEs can benefit; Supporting entry into the profession and career development; Cutting red tape for employers and providing more flexibility in staffing their programs; Launching a promotional campaign to bolster awareness and value of the child care profession"
November 16, 2023

Excerpt: "Three sites are under development and will be operational in St. John’s, Bonavista, and Corner Brook. These sites will create approximately 160 child care spaces and will be developed over the next six months. All sites will be operated by YMCA, and will consider hours of operation to ensure the child care services meet the needs of health professionals."
November 16, 2023

Excerpt: "Central Okanagan school district received approximately $29 million through the ChildCareBC New Spaces Fund to build new child care facilities on school grounds. Nearly 600 new child care spaces located at seven schools throughout Kelowna, West Kelowna and Lake Country have been funded, with approximately 250 open and 350 opening this winter and next spring."
November 10, 2023

Excerpt: "Today, the Governments of Saskatchewan and Canada announced $23. 5 million for the creation of 2,349 new regulated child care spaces across the province. Métis Nation-Saskatchewan hosted the announcement as its government is being allocated funding for child care spaces through the provincial and federal agreement. “This investment of $23.5 million will provide Saskatchewan families greater access to affordable, high-quality early learning and child care opportunities,” Education Minister Jeremy Cockrill said. “These spaces will support positive child development, early literacy and student achievement.” Funding for the newly announced spaces has been allocated to 51 organizations in 41 communities that will either build new facilities or add new spaces within their existing facilities."
November 10, 2023

Excerpt: "The Governments of Canada and Nunavut today announced a three-year plan to improve and expand early learning and child care (ELCC) services in the territory. This is part of the Canada-Nunavut ELCC Agreement for 2021-2026. This plan, rooted in Nunavut’s strong partnerships with Inuit organizations, sets a road map for strengthening and expanding Nunavut’s child care sector, improving access to high-quality, affordable, flexible, and inclusive child care for the territory’s families."
November 2, 2023

Excerpt: "Making schools in Ontario modern, safe and accessible is key to helping students learn and develop. To support student success, the government is investing $22 billion over the next 10 years, including close to $15 billion in capital grants, to build new schools, add child care spaces and modernize school infrastructure. This includes $1.4 billion for the current school year to support the repair and renewal needs of schools. For the 2023–24 school year, 21 new schools and additions have opened, creating over 7,000 new student spaces, including six French‐language school projects."