
News & Stories: Policy Monitor

October 30, 2020

Excerpt: "Canada and Yukon agree that the long term vision, principles and objectives for early learning and child care, which are set out in the Multilateral Early Learning and Child Care Framework that is attached as an Annex (Annex 1), will guide the investment of funds provided under this Agreement."
February 1, 2021

Excerpt: "Yukon families will have increased access to high quality, affordable childcare options for their children starting on April 1, 2021. Additionally, full-time early kindergarten programs will be offered in all rural Yukon schools starting in the 2021–22 school year."
March 8, 2021

Excerpt: "To support Yukon families and make their lives more affordable, the Government of Yukon is investing more than $25 million in 2021–22 towards early learning and child care initiatives. This includes approximately $15 million for a new Yukon-wide universal child care program."
July 23, 2021

Excerpt: "Today’s announcement includes the creation of 110 new regulated early learning and child care spaces within five years to help ensure families of children under six years old can access child care spaces that meet their needs. The Government of Canada’s investment builds on Yukon’s efforts to date to ensure that all families have access to an average of $10 a day out-of-pocket parent fees for full-time regulated child care spaces for children under age six. This agreement will fund critical services, and attract, retain and grow a strong and skilled workforce of early childhood educators, including through greater opportunities for professional development. This agreement also supports the ongoing implementation of Yukon’s wage grid, which provides a minimum wage of nearly $30 an hour to fully qualified early childhood educators— the highest minimum wage for early childhood educators in the country."
August 13, 2021

Excerpt: "Under the 2021–2022 to 2024–2025 Canada–Yukon Early Learning and Child Care Agreement, Yukon will allocate funding to further build universal access to early learning and child care for all Yukon families, including increasing the current subsidy system and increasing training and certification opportunities for child care providers. The current Yukon Early Learning and Child Care Funding Program reduces parent fees by up to $700 per child per month for full-time participation in licenced child care programs, and provides a minimum wage of nearly $30 an hour to fully qualified educators.

This four-year agreement builds on the commitments made in the Multilateral Early Learning and Child Care Framework and ensures that funding continues to be available to support child care programs and services for Yukon families until March 2025."
August 20, 2021

Excerpt: "Early Kindergarten in-school programming is for children who are 4 years old on or before December 31 of the school year. It provides a literacy rich, play-based learning environment which encourages children to learn through authentic experiences and enhances a child's emotional, social and cognitive development. Early Kindergarten programs can support and enrich children’s early learning experiences through building strong relationships, nurturing well-being and belonging, promoting communication and literacies, and helping children to build a positive personal and cultural identity."
December 1, 2021

Excerpt: "The program provides compensation for up to 8 per cent of staff wages for employers to select and offer a comprehensive benefits package that meets the needs of their employees from a registered Canadian insurance provider. A combined total of $800,000 in funding from the governments of Canada and Yukon is available to every licensed ELCC program in the Yukon, including operators currently offering benefits for employees. Those operators can also receive retroactive funding for providing their employees with benefits from April 1, 2021."
December 30, 2021

Excerpt: "Yukon commits to using federal funding to increase the net number of regulated child care spaces for children under age 6 by 110 spaces, which is the number of new spaces required to achieve a coverage rate of 59% by fiscal year 2025 to 2026. In creating these 110 child care spaces, Yukon commits that: federal funding will be exclusively used to support creation of regulated spaces in not-for-profit and public child care providers/operators, as well as family-based child care; federal funding will be exclusively used to support licensed child care delivery by licensed providers."
March 3, 2022

Excerpt: "Main estimates for the Government of Yukon 2022–23 Budget. This document was prepared by the Department of Finance under the direction of Management Board for the 1st Session of the 35th Legislature, Yukon Legislative Assembly. March 2022, Whitehorse, Yukon."
May 30, 2022

Excerpt: "Under the new program, the Government of Yukon provides licensed operators with $700 per month for each child in full-time child care, which must be fully and immediately applied to reduce the monthly payments made by parents (this is pro-rated for children in part-time child care). The new program also includes fee increase limits to ensure that fees charged to parents remain both sustainable and affordable and in line with rates charged by other local providers delivering the same type of child care. Under Yukon’s universal child care program, average parent fees are now less than $10 per day, among the lowest in Canada."
July 23, 2022

Excerpt: "With support through the Canada-Yukon Canada-wide agreement, the Yukon has already surpassed its commitment to create 110 new licensed early learning and child care spaces within five years, to help provide Yukon families with access to early learning and child care. The territory focuses on supporting the creation of spaces in licenced non-profit, for-profit, family day home and First Nations government-operated centres. The governments of Canada and Yukon have created an implementation committee to monitor progress on early learning and child care commitments in consultation with partners and stakeholders. The Government of Canada is represented on the committee by the Federal Secretariat on Early Learning and Child Care."
August 9, 2022

Excerpt: "Early childhood educators can access up to $500 in enhanced bursaries for learning and development opportunities. Bursary funding will also be available to assist Yukon residents studying in the field of early learning, supporting both full- and part-time studies, and credited and non-credit coursework. Additionally, early learning program operators and partners will be contracted to create and deliver professional development opportunities for early childhood educators."