News & Stories: Policy Monitor

June 8, 2011

Memo to Directors of Education: Regulatory Amendments Respecting Full-Day Junior Kindergarten and Kindergarten and Extended Day and Third Party Programs

Government memo re: amendments to legislation, regulations and guidelines related to Full Day Early Learning Kindergarten Program, including overview; operational framework for extended day and third party programs; safe schools and FDK; and broader implementation of FDK. Regulations indicate non-profit delivery of afterschool programs unless commercial programs are already in schools or no other alternatives are available.
March 2, 2012

Memo to Directors of Education: Full Day Kindergarten Class Size

Excerpt: "To include s. 2.1 under Elementary School Classes – Requirements Respecting Size. This section provides class size provisions for full-day junior kindergarten and kindergarten, clearly identifying an average class size unit of 26 pupils."
June 27, 2012

The Department of Education has released a discussion paper Modernizing Child Care in Ontario, "to begin a conversation that will help move Ontario towards a high quality, accessible and co-ordinated early learning and care system for all children."
December 18, 2012

Memo to Chief Administrative Officers, General Managers/Commissioners, and Children’s Service Managers, CMSMs/DSSABs: Transitioning to Ontario’s New Child Care Funding Formula and Funding Framework

Excerpt: "The purpose of this memorandum is to provide Consolidated Municipal Service Managers (CMSMs) and District Social Services Administration Boards (DSSABs) with information about Ontario’s new funding formula and funding framework for child care, which will take effect in 2013."
January 23, 2013

2013 Ontario Early Years Policy Framework

Excerpt: "The Ontario Early Years Policy Framework builds on our collective progress and provides a vision for the early years to ensure children, from birth to age six, have the best possible start in life."
September 3, 2013

Education Minister Liz Sandals visited full-day kindergarten students, teachers and staff at Ogden Junior Public School for the first day of school where she provided details on a study conducted in partnership with Queen's and McMaster universities on FDK. The study measured the progress and development of students who were enrolled in FDK compared to those who participated in half-day programs.
June 27, 2013

Beginning July 2013, 510,000 families will receive an increase of up to $110 and 24,000 families will become eligible for the Ontario Child Benefit for the first time. This additional support will help families with the cost of food, clothing, recreation and other necessities. The benefit will increase in July 2013 to a maximum annual payment of $1,210 for each child, and then to $1,310 in July 2014.
July 19, 2013

Liz Sandals, Minister of Education, issued the following statement on the review of unlicensed child care complaints: "As I committed to last week, my ministry has conducted a thorough review of every complaint received related to unlicensed child care providers over the past year to determine compliance with current policies. The ministry took immediate action to determine whether there were any complaints that had not been addressed. Out of a total of 280 complaints received by the ministry over the past year, it was determined that nine had not been responded to with a site visit.
May 6, 2013

Premier Kathleen Wynne visited the Early Years Centre at the Thorncliffe Neighbourhood Office where she highlighted the 2013 Budget's proposed increases to the Ontario Child Benefit, which helps about one million low- to moderate-income children across the province. The Ontario government is proposing to increase the Ontario Child Benefit's annual maximum payment by up to $210 over the next two years. This would raise the maximum payment from $1,100 to $1,310 per year for each child, helping parents with their family expenses.